Beyond BGS is our online mentoring programme where current BGS sixth formers, recent leavers and alumni with years of experience can connect to share advice, ask questions, and offer support. Some of the most experienced practitioners in law, finance, medicine, the arts, publishing, engineering, computing and sport science to name a few, are available online to answer questions.
From help with your CV, interview advice or deciding between Universities, there'll be someone here to help. We invite both those considering what to do after school and indeed those looking to further or change their careers to use this service, which is supported entirely by volunteer OBs. We would also welcome more OBs to join in as mentors- promoting their areas of knowledge with contact details for people to get in touch.
About Mentoring
Do you have questions about a higher education institution or course, or a particular career or industry? Contact one of our mentors for friendly,
informal advice and support.
Please use the search boxes on this page to look for an available mentor.
If you are an OB wishing to volunteer as a mentor, please go to your profile and edit your mentoring preferences.
Are you at University and about to take an elective abroad? The Old Bristolians' Society has a fund set aside to help up to 3 applications per year, of £250-400 dependant on approval. Apply using the application form below.
Great turnout for our first Networking Breakfast in the 1532 Performing Arts Centre. More...
Can you help? We are looking for more OB Mentors to help our OB community navigate the career choices that lie ahead of them. Can you give career advi… More...
On 27 November we welcomed back over 40 Old Bristolians, who came to share their experiences of the working world with current Sixth Form pupils. More...